SustainableBehaviour: Climate Action for All

Through our existing education programme, which was developed as part of NonHazCity and is now being rolled out across Europe within the LIFEChemBee project, we have already trained hundreds of ambassadors, who in turn have visited thousands of households and raised awareness of sustainable lifestyles in the wider community.

With the new SustainableBehaviour: Climate Action for All project, we want to optimise the teaching methods we have used so far.

The aim is to obtain an advanced version of our educational programme that will enable us to reach even more specific target groups, such as families with a migration background, and inspire them to adopt non-toxic and climate-friendly behaviour.

To this end, we will work with our partner organisations from the Netherlands and Hungary to develop, test and refine various training concepts in order to be able to offer tailored training courses at the end of the project. The aim is to make coaches an important component of the ecological transition by supporting participants‘ sustainable behavioural changes even more effectively through the use of targeted teaching methods.

Thanks to the new training courses, people in public authorities, offices and households will be motivated even more effectively to organise their everyday lives in a healthier and more environmentally friendly way.

Project details

  • Project name: SustainableBehaviour: Climate Action for All
  • Project management: Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete, Hungary
  • Thematic area of the Baltic Environmental Forum: Chemicals management, Sustainable lifestyles
  • Funded by: Erasmus+
  • Duration: 10/2023 – 09/2025

Participating countries

Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands

Project employees

Project management at Baltic Environmental Forum Germany:

Other employees:

The project SustainableBehaviour: Climate Action for All with the reference number 2023-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000155533 is funded by the European Union.

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