Projekt NonHazCity

Hazardous substances are ubiquitous today. We live in constant contact with them. We breathe them in, ingest them through skin contact or even orally – at home, in the hotel and in the office.

In the first two NonHazCity projects, we focused on everyday products: Materials that come into contact with food, cleaning products, textiles, etc. Among other things, we have developed a short training to familiarize people with the topic, to show them how a household check works and how products with hazardous substances can be replaced by more sustainable alternatives.

In NonHazCity 3, we will focus on the building sector and involve architects, construction companies, consultants, municipalities, and private individuals in the project.

Hazardous substances in building materials will be identified and information made available to anyone looking for them. There will be strategic management plans for the procurement of environmentally friendly products at the municipal level. For this purpose, we will work closely with the district of Hamburg-Nord. We will also produce brochures, guides and information sheets for professionals and interested parties.

The NonHazCity 3 project addresses the link between circular economy, climate neutrality and smart procurement in building materials. Partner organizations from eight different countries are working together, learning from each other and raising awareness of hazardous substances in building materials across the Baltic Sea Region.

Project details

  • Project name: NonHazCity 3
  • Project management: Riga City Council
  • Subject areas: Chemicals management, Water management and marine protection
  • Funded by: INTERREG Baltic Sea Region
  • Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2025
  • Project website:

Participating countries

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden

Project employees

Project management at Baltic Environmental Forum Germany:

Other employees:

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