LIFE ChemBee: Ambassadors for the whole of Europe!

Chemicals are ubiquitous in many products. Some of them can harm human health, others are toxic to the environment and some are both. The new Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and the Zero Pollution Action Plan call for action to achieve a toxic-free environment and protect consumers.

The most effective option to reduce emissions – while better legislation is being negotiated between industry and policy makers – is to motivate consumers to act: Changing consumer behaviour when buying goods is key. This enables concrete improvements in health impacts in their own environment.

LIFE ChemBee will use an effective tool for behaviour change: The household check for chemicals developed in the predecessor project NonHazCity. It encourages participants to take stock of the goods in their household, make decisions about what to change and then monitor the change. The tool has been tested and is now ready to be disseminated across Europe. The project is also promoting the Scan4Chem app, developed within LIFE AskREACH, which supports purchasing decisions and helps suppliers understand consumers‘ interest in pollutant-free goods.

With the help of volunteer ambassadors, the project will reach many more households than the partner organisations can reach themselves. The AHAChem project has already trained up to 200 ambassadors who are now sharing their knowledge. This ready-to-use educational programme will involve up to 2,300 people in LIFE ChemBee and multiply the number of households to 43,000 during a compact two-year campaign. In parallel, we will apply the Ecosupporter concept tested in Finland as part of NonHazCity and deploy around 200 in-house advisors in France and Greece.

The LIFE ChemBee project will significantly raise consumers‘ awareness of pollutants in everyday products, as we will reach millions of people with our campaigns and through our networks. It will change consumption patterns and lead to a concrete reduction in emissions of problematic substances in the long term.

Project details

  • Project name: LIFE ChemBee
  • Project management: Baltic Enviromental Forum Germany
  • Subject area: Chemicals management
  • Funded by: The LIFE programme of the European Union
  • Duration: 10/2022 – 03/2026
  • Project website:

Participating countries

Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Sweden

Project employees

Project management at Baltic Environmental Forum Germany:

Other employees:

“The project LIFEChemBee (No. LIFE21/GIE/DE/101074245) is funded by the LIFE programme of the European Union”

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