The Covenant of Mayors is a voluntary commitment of cities and municipalities to reduce their CO2-emissions by about 40% until the year 2030 and to establish an integrated climate protection and adaptation concept. More than 6500 cities in the European Union and beyond have signed the Covenant of Mayors and avowed themselves for dedicated local climate change protection, that reaches beyond the demanded national goals.

The project STRONG COM has the goal to support the instrument of the Covenant of Mayors in Belarus, where just a few municipalities signed the Covenant by now by now. Elements of the project are to raise attention about the mayor convent in Belarus, to convince cities to use that tool and to support them in the implementation of obligations from the convent.

BEF Germany work for the project STRONG COM consists of contributions to events in Belarus as well as to publications. Furthermore, we have carried out study trip for Belarusian municipal delegates as well as for representatives of non-governmental organisations in Germany.

Project details

  • Projectname: StrongCOM
  • Project management: Ecopartnership Belarus
  • BEF sector: Energy efficiency / climate change
  • Funded by: EuropeAid
  • Operational time: 05/2016 – 03/2020
  • Partners: 3 Partners

Participating countries

  • Countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Germany

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