CAMS Platform

The negative impacts of climate change upon human and natural ecosystems can be minimised by substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

High energy consuming housing and production sectors still leave a major carbon footprint. The CAMS Platform improves energy efficiency measures by aligning research, recommendations, audits and investments from 11 projects across the Baltic Sea region.

In particular, the know-how comes from Interreg Baltic Sea Region’s EFFECT4Buildings, LowTemp, AREA 21, Co2mmunity, Act Now, BEA-APP, RDI2CluB; but also HORIZON 2020’s HERON, SIM4NEXUS, ENLARGE, and ARCEE funded by EuropeAid.

Project details

  • Projectname: CAMS Platform
  • Project management: Tartu Regional Energy Agency
  • BEF sector: Energy and clima
  • Funded by: Horizont 2020
  • Operational time: 08/2019 – 03/2022
  • Partners: 9 Partners

Participating countries

Estonia, Sweden, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Russia

Project employees

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