Cyclurban: Cycling as an element of urban climate change policy


The project „Cyclurban – Cycling as an element for urban Climate protection policies“ aims to promote the bicycle as an essential instrument for sustainable urban mobility and climate protection.

Cities like Amsterdam or Copenhagen lead us the way – but not all regions of Europe have the same level of acceptance for cycling as the Netherlands or Denmark. The project will aim at integrating more cycling into municipal strategies of our six target regions: Tartu (Estonia), Riga (Latvia), Warschau (Poland), Velika Gorica (Croatia), Bratislava (Slovakia) and Vrilissia (district of Athens, Greece).

Each city will develop its own strategies to foster climate-friendly mobility, and secondly, the project will give advice on how to encourage cycling on a national level. In seminars and with publications, we will share the experience of our consortium to reach more municipalities and policy-makers.

Project details

  • Project name: Cyclurban
  • Project management: BEF Deutschland
  • BEF sector: Sustainable mobility
  • Funded by: EUKI/BMU
  • Operational time: 11/2017 – 02/2020
  • Partners: 15 Partners
  • Project website:

Participating countries

  • Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Greece, Croatia, Germany
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