
Our NonHazCity Project at the INTERREG Project Slam final

After two intense months of social media campaigning, the time has finally arrived: Wednesday, 14th of October 2020 at 14.30 o’clock the big final of the INTERREG Project Slam 2020 takes place live on Facebook.

As one of the six finalists, our NonHazCity project has prepared an exciting performance that will be presented at the final event. As a special addition, our video will feature Hamburg’s Environmental Minister, Jens Kerstan. Have we made you curious?

Then follow the link at the given time and watch the final live on Facebook. Don’t forget to have your smartphone with you to vote for your favourite performance – hopefully the one of our NonHazCity Project! –>

Attention: It is not necessary to have a Facebook account to participate!

Share the event among your friends and family and we are looking forward to your participation!

Your NonHazCity Team
from Baltic Environmental Forum Germany