The smartphone app Scan4Chem developed by the EU LIFE project AskREACH is now made available for consumers in Europe. The free-of-charge app allows consumers to easily request product information about the presence of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) from suppliers.
The underlying consumers’ “right to know” is established in the EU chemicals regulation REACH Article 33 (2).
By using the app consumers can scan the barcode of a product and send a request to the supplier in order to obtain information about the presence of SVHCs in that product above a 0.1% threshold.
Product suppliers can submit their product information to the database connected to the app so that it is readily available for the next requesters. The more suppliers enter SVHC product information in the Europe-wide database, the easier it will become for consumers to immediately receive SVHC information for the products they are scanning.
To stimulate suppliers to submit information to the database, consumers need to show an interest and actively send information requests. The success of the app lies also in the hands of consumers!
Consumer product like toys, clothing, furniture and electronics can be checked for SVHCs in them. Product groups that have an ingredient list, like food, cosmetics and household chemicals are not covered by REACH Art. 33 (2).
The app is being launched in 14 European countries, starting with Germany, Luxembourg, and Sweden which already have their regionally adapted apps in App Store and Google Play. More apps will be launched successively in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Serbia and these should all be available in early 2020. The apps are available in the local languages and even the app names are adapted in some cases to make them easier to understand (Tjek Kemien, Pytaj o chemię, Kemikalieappen, ToxFox). The ultimate aim is to establish regional apps in most European countries over the next 3 years.
Get your app at Google Play or App Store
- Scan4Chem German Environment Agency: Google Play, App Store
- Scan4Chem Luxembourg: Google Play, App Store
- Kemikalieappen Sweden: Google Play, App Store