The EU project LIFE AskREACH has developed a smartphone app with which consumers can enquire about substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in consumer articles like toys, furniture, electrical devices, etc.
Information is taken directly from a new European database to which article suppliers will be able to contribute. If an article is not yet included in the database, consumers can use the app to send a request to the supplier.
A preliminary “soft launch” of the app starts in June, when a selected group of consumers will test the app by visiting shops, scanning barcodes and sending SVHC information requests to suppliers of various consumer articles, especially sports shoes, nappies and toothbrushes. Simultaneously, the database will be ready to receive data through the supplier front end tool. Suppliers of articles have had an opportunity to conduct beta testing of the system in advance.
The aim of the soft launch is to test the app and to prepare article suppliers for an increasing number of consumer requests, also giving them the opportunity to upload their SVHC information to the database prior to the official launch of the app in the thirteen participating EU Member States.
If your company wants to submit SVHC information about articles to the AskREACH database or to supply us with an e-mail address for the requests to your company, please send an email to the AskREACH team:

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